Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Things are settling down...
I still need to settle into my new home a bit more and spend some quality time with those I love, so that they no longer feel neglected; but I am truly seeing the light at the end of this pageant tunnel.
I am looking forward to 9 months as Miss Poulsbo; continuing with North Kitsap Adapted Aquatics; and fulfilling other "said duties", but I am really looking forward to LIFE!
I am applying for teaching jobs for this fall and praying that God will provide, believing in faith that it is all in his hands.
Plus I just started a new business venture that I am very excited about. I recently, because of pageant, started using Mary Kay products and I am so thrilled to now be an Independent Beauty Consultant with the company.
Interested in a free makeover? Visit me, your Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant: Alex Duchemin at www.marykay.com/alexduchemin or email me at alexduchemin@marykay.com
So... as you can see I have a lot of new and exciting things going on in life!
God is good.
Blessings, Alex
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Roughin' it and exciting news!
It was wonderful to see old camp friends and during a week full of archery, riflery, horsemanship, and whittling; my class entitled "Princess Party" was a welcomed reprieve for those little girls who just need a bit extra attention. We made princess crafts (foam crowns and door hangers), painted picture frames that included a print of them wearing one of my three crowns. They had tea parties, learned Princess Principles, performed a song for the camp entitled "Aristocrats," and memorized verses that taught us, "He is the King of kings and Lord of lords" and that we are "Children of God" therefore we are "Daughters of the King" and "that makes us princesses".
Our Princess Principles were as follows:
1. Princesses always say, "thank you."
2. Princesses love God and love people.
3. Princesses are always polite.
4. Princesses try everything once.
5. Princesses share of themselves.
The girls were delighted to get to see and wear my crowns and they believed the highlight was getting my autograph.
What a delight to get to share my title and experience with young ladies in that way.
I also did a wonderful appearance at a retirement center in Moses Lake with Miss Moses Lake, Sara Rosborough (our 2007 Miss Congeniality), Elizabeth Lamb-Ferro, Miss Spokane, and my teammate Megan Hornbuckle, Miss Kitsap. We performed for them, including my Miss Poulsbo talent, a bilingual monologue called, "The Coat of Many Colors" and my Miss Washington piece a vocal performance entitled, "All For You" from Seussical the Musical. The residents thoroughly enjoyed the performances and receiving autographs. Sara's adopted grandmother was there wearing a crown and sporting a photograph of Sara on her walker. What a priceless opportunity. Thank you to the group in Moses Lake for setting it up.
We then headed to see Charlotte Smith - Miss Tri Cities 2006 and 3rd runner up to Miss Washington - give up her title. She wowed us with vocal performances (The Star Spangled Banner, a Rascal Flatts song, and my favorite "Legacy" by Nicole Nordeman) along with her Miss Washington violin performance. She was an incredible Miss Tri Cities and will go so far no matter what she puts her mind to.
Congratulations to the new Miss Tri Cities, whose name escapes me at this moment, she is a well deserving, eloquent, graceful, and talented (saxophone player) young woman. I look forward to watching you compete at state next year!
Now that I am back to reality I was going through mail and found a letter from Miss America.
It read, "Alexander, congratulations on being the recipient of the Miss America Community Service Scholarship..."
Now if you watched Miss Washington you would understand my confusion at receiving this letter. My well-deserving friend Tina Faulkner had been awarded this scholarship on the Miss Washington stage that night. She has worked in her platform for over 5 years so of course her being given this award came as no surprise to me.
After getting the letter I contacted the state Executive Director for clarification. She relayed to me that I had actually won the award. The state will still award Tina the $1,000 but I was thrilled to find out that I was actually chosen by the Miss America Scholarship board as the recipient of this incredible honor.
Going into the experience the community service award is the one award that I truly desired to win. It is an honor because it is awarded from a national board but also because of why you receive the award. I submitted an essay about my platform, "Unifying the Differently Abled: Adapted Aquatics" and two letters of recommendation. One came from a member of the North Kitsap School Board who had helped me secure the location for my North Kitsap Adapted Aquatics Program and the other from a Red Cross Coordinator who came and trained my volunteers.
The letters were so generous and spoke of the ladies faith in my program and in what we are accomplishing here in Kitsap County to "Unify the Differently Abled."
I am so incredibly honored to have received this award and congratulate Tina Faulkner on all she has done for her "Big Brothers - Big Sisters" platform in her community.
To view all the other awards given visit http://misswashington.org/miss_site/finalists_winners.asp
I will be in the Silverdale Whaling Days parade this weekend and looking forward to heading to Creation Music Festival in George, Washington this week as well. A bit more "roughin' it" while camping and hearing some fabulous music!
Blessings to all, Alex Duchemin
Friday, July 13, 2007
Miss Washington Overview
Below are photos beginning at arrival (the photo includes Miss WA 2006 Kristen Eddings and the top 3 contestants for this year. Miss WA 2007 Elyse Umemoto, 1st runner up and sweetheart representative Tina Faulkner and myself 2nd runner up)

That’s right! I walked away this year with the Swimsuit award, People’s Choice, and the title of 2nd runner up!
God is so good. He knew exactly the way it was supossed to be. Tina Faulkner deserved to have the chance to go to Sweeper and is my dear friend. She was Miss Whatcom County 2004 and crowned me Miss Whatcom County 2005.
Our new Miss WA 2006 Elyse Umemoto will do our state proud. She gives credit where it is due, is flexible and gracious, and is absolutely beautiful. I know that God has great things in store for her this year.
The week was a whirlwind and I cannot believe it is over. I am now preparing for a week at camp and had a job interview for a 1st grade position at the local private school. Be praying, I need a teaching job.
You will see photos from the first and second night of competition, visitation after Friday night’s competition, and the gala after the final night.
The two opening numbers were “Dream Girls,” and “One Night Only” and you see me pictured below in both.
Here are 3 of the Top Ten - Myself, Kelly Backous and Shannon Touhy as we await the announcement of the Top Five. Shannon and I were both named to the top 5 so in these moments I was simply reminding myself, “I am in His hands, and His will will prevail.”
A huge difference this year from the last time I competed at state, or even for my local title was that I was not nervous. Literally I walked out onto stage calmly and ready for whatever might happen. I truly wanted to be Miss Washington this year but the Lord had something better. I walked away with no regrets and certainly no disappointment. I get to remain as Miss Poulsbo and pursue new endeavors.
Here are some clips from the swimsuit and interview portion of the first night of competition.
Pageantry has served it’s purpose in my life. I am a more finished and well-rounded person, I have so many connections, many new friendships and have made $15,000 in scholarships. I am left with only $1,000 left to pay off in student loans after 5 years of college!
Thank you to family and friends and committee members who showed up to support me, I have never felt more loved and supported.
Thank you to my sponsors EHL insurance, Signature Mortgage, Premetco (Jack Archer), and the anonymous Rotarian who shall remain anonymous. J
All your generosity, the way you gave of your time, energy and resources is remarkable.
I truly had the time of my life and thoroughly enjoyed the ride!
Thank you.
My love, and His Blessings,
Alex Duchemin

To view my swimwear competition from Friday night visit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gksKqRDHO-M

Swimwear trophy and flowers! YAHOO!

Then the gala event... being escorted by my father Michael Duchemin and my awards were announced by volunteer and board member Mike Miller
Friday, July 6, 2007
Dress Rehearsal
July 5, 2007
Yesterday’s pace really picked up. We started the morning quarantined (The Beta Group that is) while the Alpha group prepared for interview. We headed off to the Farmer’s Market where we shopped (I bought cherries) and signed autographs.
I even met two little girls from Poulsbo. Their picture is posted here. Their grandparents go to Christ Memorial Church do they knew some family!
Then we headed back to our rooms where I took a nap and prepared for interview. After getting ready physically once I went to the first holding room I got my mouth going (talked a bunch) with Bev White and then in the second holding room I prayed with Sara Rosborough and Elyse Ummemoto the only two contestants after me. I also listened to some worship songs that were a great reminder that this is all in God’s hands and far beyond what I can do on my own.
I spent time giving my heart and dreams back to him and by the time I entered the interview room I was ready.
I came out feeling fabulous! I answered all their questions, had them laughing and nailed my closing statement. They know me a bit better now and have a glimpse into my heart for children, the Children’s Miracle Network partnership and also my opinion on some major issues.
After interviews we were hurried off to dress rehearsal where, as usual, there was a lot of “hurry up and wait”. We got through our talents twice and the whole show once so it was a success.
I feel ready, and today we have some rehearsal, lunch with our directors and then off to the show for hair and makeup.
The show begins at 7:30 and you can count on the fact that I will be ready.
Look forward to seeing all of you at the ball afterwards.
Blessings, Alex
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The Outback and Boat-ride
11:18 pm
We headed out to The Outback and had an incredible meal that was complimentary! I of course had a salad, the best “baby green beans” I have ever had, and a delicious house salad. Strawberry lemonade and coffee too!
Then the boat trip. This even is really for the girls. One big “photo opt.” and a chance to just be girls. So much of our time here is spent “being on” that this event is our opportunity to be more ourselves.
Captain Mark and his "right hand woman".
Henry our Photographer in his Miss Washington Golf Tournament hat with Captain Ron b rother to Captain Mark.
I spent some wonderful time up on the bow of the boat taking pictures, evidenced below, and so delightful reading time with Tina Faulkner – Miss Columbia and Sarah Starr – Miss Olympic underneath the boat.
Much of this week is dependent upon reading. Between current events, your favorite Miss America (whom I am reading about now – mine is Heather Whitestone, Miss America 1995), information about the state platform (Educational Service District 113) and the national platform Children’s Miracle Network there is much to know.
The reading seems to be never ending. Sarah and I discovered that we both are book worms and would read under the covers as little girls with our flashlights so that our mothers would not send us to sleep. I love that I was not the only little girl doing this. Sarah is an incredible young woman she is a Second Lieutenant in the Army and will serve in Iraq next fall. Alex Duchemin Miss Poulsbo 2007, previously Miss Whatcom County 2005;
Tina Faulkner Miss Columbia 2007 previously Miss Whatcom County 2004;
Alli McComas Miss Whatcom County 2007
Each young woman here is so unique. I have been thoroughly impressed with the caliber of the ladies here. The volunteers are so generous of the time and energies and we couldn’t ask for a more complete “Class of 2007”. I consider myself lucky, no blessed!
Blessings, Alex
First glimpse of the Pantageous!
The Pantageous is so grandiose!
We rehearsed there for a bit today but rehearsal this morning got canceled since our group of young ladies learned the dances so quickly.
That led to a later morning workout (the day before it was at 5:50am) so I joined in. The YMCA across the street is beautiful. 15 of us went and then headed to Starbucks afterwards.
After showers, voice practice, and getting "all dolled up" we loaded a U-Haul full of our competition wardrobes and headed to the Pantageous.
There is no way not to feel like Miss America herself on that stage. We truly are "Dream Girls". Running through the opening-number in our dresses put most of us at ease and then the figuring out staging instilled a lot more confidence in all of us.
Now we have a short break in our rooms, then The Outback for dinner and a boat ride with just the contestants!
It's hard not to feel better this year since so much pressure is taken off by having learned the dances so quickly.
I need to do some reading and then get ready but thank you for reading and know I am doing my best and thoroughly enjoying my "Miss Washington week".
Blessings, Alex
Monday, July 2, 2007
What is a lemming?

From Google Images
Lemmings are small rodents, usually found in or near the Arctic, in tundra biomes. Together with the voles and muskrats, they make up the subfamily Arvicolinae (also known as Microtinae), which forms part of the largest mammal radiation by far, the superfamily Muroidea, which also includes the rats, mice, hamsters, and gerbils.
Lemmings weigh from 30 to 112 grams (1–4 oz) and are about 7 to 15 centimetres (2.75 – 6 in) long. They generally have long, soft fur and very short tails. They are herbivorous, feeding mostly on leaves and shoots, grasses, and sedges in particular, but also on roots and bulbs. Like many rodents' teeth, their incisors grow continuously, allowing them to exist on much tougher forage than would otherwise be possible.
Lemmings do not hibernate through the harsh northern winter. They remain active, finding food by burrowing through the snow and utilising grasses clipped and stored in advance.