I will begin by stating that I understand that some will say, "This is not the place for her to be posting this information." I disagree. I post this blog so that people know what my life is like as Miss Poulsbo, and also as me - Alex Duchemin. Miss Poulsbo should be active in her community and in her government whenever possible, no matter her views. I hope with that said, you continue reading.

I, Alex Duchemin, participated in the Democratic Caucus today... Yes, I am a declared Democrat -at least with Obama as a candidate I am - and I was so proud to participate in the Democratic Caucus today, as a supporter for Obama.
But to be honest the real reason I am posting this is to encourage all of you young people - especially young women - to get registered to vote, and to vote in this primary election if you still have your absentee ballot!
Also, I want to stress that when voting in a primary election, by absentee ballot you MUST mark the party you are affiliated with by marking the party's box by the signature line - it's on the flap of your envelope. If you do not mark a party your vote WILL NOT COUNT. They will throw it away.This is only true in the primary election and it does not have to effect how you vote in the final presidential election.
Register if you haven't, vote if you still can, and learn something new about our system this year. You will be impressed.
I also challenge you, look beyond the moral issues and examine the parties political views on education, environmental issues, international relations along with their views of taxes and where that money goes.
Ask yourself, who can inspire Americans to get behind a cause, and who can make a difference and do it quickly.You might be surprised who you end up voting for. I know I was. But I found a candidate that represents what I believe politically and I am willing to take on the moral issues myself among the people I can directly effect.
Most importantly get involved in your government, it is a priviledge and an honor that we can!
Thanks for reading, Alex - a dedicated and registered voter.