Janet Harding, Miss Washington 2008, has headed off on her journey to Miss America. She looked calm, collected, and beautiful as she left Seatac. She rode in style in a white stretch limo with state director Peggy Miller.

She arrived at Seatac greeted by state director Patti Belik, volunteer Charlie Curry-Vantramp, The Schuberts a CMN family, and lots of family and friends.

Piled high with her giraffe print luggage, a sponsored gift, they loaded 2 carts to overflowing. Pictured below, Janet's dedicated and loving father- Ron Harding, with cart one.

State Director Patti Belik, behind cart number two.

Pictured here, Ron and Myrna Harding - Janet's parents - as Janet checked into first class. We missed you RJ! (Janet's brother). Miss WA travels in style.

One of Janet's many admirers showed up with signs in tow and big smiles to greet her and wish her good luck.

Alex Jacobson and Janet Harding - Alex is sporting the Miss WA t-shirt for the year. Local folks, be sure to contact Carol Starcher if you are going to join us for the luncheon on Friday wearing your shirt!

This might just be Janet's biggest fan. She didn't want to pose with the photo toward the camera, she just wanted to gaze into Janet's beautiful brown eyes.

Janet poses with Brad Brotherton, Miss Washington friend, partner and sponsor.

Here she receives a gift from Brad.... clearly delighted.

Even more so when she sees her very own Seahawks Jersey with her name "Miss Washington" printed on it!

She wondered if she could wear it everyday in Vegas.

Here Janet receives a phone call from her local director, mentor and friend Carol Starcher.

This send off was filled with smiles, well wishes and plenty of pride. Janet is ready for the task and so excited to be there starting the process. Preparation is done! Miss America here we come.
To view Janet's Brotherton Cadillac Commercial visit:
To see Janet's arrival in Vegas and her own Reality TV visit:
Contact me if you need her address in Vegas to send her your well wishes.
Signing out for now, Alex Jacobson