Monday, August 25, 2008

Campin' and Crabs

The weekend started with a birthday celebration for my sister - a pirate theme! With booty and eye patches. What a blast.

Then ... a campin' trip filled with crabs. We took some good friends out to Seabeck to go camping a couple of weekends ago. What a time we had.

First after setting up the tents we hit the water to go crabbing. The gentlemen had dropped to pots early that morning so first we hit up Pleasant Cove for lunch. I had a great chicken pesto sandwich, but the French Dip was to die for. (Yes Carol, I still LOVE them!)

After lunch we headed to pull up the pots. Which... were filled with 12 crabs! Back to the campsite we went where we boiled the crabs, played a little Phase 10 and then ate to our heart's content.

It truly was a feast. And lucky for us, my sister was there and likes to crack but doesn't like to eat it as much. :)

In the morning we made breakfast over the coleman stove.

A laid back evening at home, filled with more crab and games was the perfect conclusion to our camping extravaganza!

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