We had a great time backstage at the Auburn pageant and the young women were

All the beautiful contestants - there was a fabulous "Hollywood" theme.

Crowning the runner's ups. (First runner up not pictured - I lost the photo - send me your copy if you have one!)

The curtain at the Auburn pageant had a mind of it's own, and after playing her Miss America talent piece Janet was "attacked" by the curtain. I squealed in the wings and she just about couldn't pull herself together enough to head out to the audience for the second half of the show. We are all human - right?! :)

Announcement and Crowning of the new Miss Auburn - Alicia Wallace....

The Miss Auburn Scholarship Program crowned Alicia Wallace as the 2009 Miss Auburn on Jan. 31. Wallace, 23, is a senior at Seattle Pacific University and aspires to earn her M.B.A and move into urban planning. Her platform, Mentorships: Inspiring and Encouraging Growth in Young Women, will be furthered through the Big Brothers, Big Sisters programs.
The well-traveled Wallace will begin her service as Miss Auburn immediately and takes over for the outgoing Miss Auburn Cara Rudd.

Alicia Wallace as she takes her first walk as Miss Auburn 2009

Alicia Wallace, Miss Auburn 2009 pictured with Janet Harding Miss Washington 2008.

Miss Whatcom County 2008, Zandra Dennis, Janet Harding Miss Washington 2008, and Miss Thurston County 2009 Sharise Williams.
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