Monday, July 2, 2007

Day Two - Hospital and Rehearsals

Day 2 - July 2, 2007


Megan the Swashbuckling Hornbuckle and Alex the Flying Duchemin

- The Pirates -

Rehearsals are 75% finished for the day.

We also fit in a visit to the Good Samaritan Therapy Unit where we were given a tour and learned about their incredible facility. They create adapted items for children with disabilities, provide occupational and physical therapy, and have some incredible technology that has provided vast amounts of insight to doctors like "Dr. Dave" Embrey, PhD, PT. He is a self-proclaimed "longhorn" (you will see evidence of that below) and gives many of these informational tours to all kinds of groups.

As he shared information with us his eyes welled up with tears and at one point when I exclaimed that I had goose bumps because of an inspiring story he was telling us he said he did too. I am impressed by a man who still after many years of doing his job and informing others about it, still gets goose bumps.

We got to meet several children who are outpatients at the therapy center and it was apparent that we made their day. The ten contestants that went bombarded them with autographs and photo time and I had a delightful conversation about Spiderman and Shrek (which I might add was quite informational) and met two sets of siblings! What a blessing to see the good things that are being done for children with disabilities!

Dancing is coming along well and we are pretty much finished with learning the numbers which has freed us up some and will hopefully alleviate some stress during rehearsals at the Pantageous, and maybe even allow for an additional talent rehearsal? I am hoping. :)

Other than that the rush us from here to there and we behave much like a group of lemmings.

Singing out, Blessings, Alex Duchemin


Alex "Duchemin" Jacobson said...

Lemmings?? That's good. I can just see it...well not really because I don't know what a Lemming LOOKS like!!

Alex "Duchemin" Jacobson said...

That wasn't FROM Alex, it was from Wendy !