Friday, July 6, 2007

Dress Rehearsal

Written on July 6, 2007 at 8:57am about
July 5, 2007

Yesterday’s pace really picked up. We started the morning quarantined (The Beta Group that is) while the Alpha group prepared for interview. We headed off to the Farmer’s Market where we shopped (I bought cherries) and signed autographs.

I even met two little girls from Poulsbo. Their picture is posted here. Their grandparents go to Christ Memorial Church do they knew some family!

Then we headed back to our rooms where I took a nap and prepared for interview. After getting ready physically once I went to the first holding room I got my mouth going (talked a bunch) with Bev White and then in the second holding room I prayed with Sara Rosborough and Elyse Ummemoto the only two contestants after me. I also listened to some worship songs that were a great reminder that this is all in God’s hands and far beyond what I can do on my own.

I spent time giving my heart and dreams back to him and by the time I entered the interview room I was ready.

I came out feeling fabulous! I answered all their questions, had them laughing and nailed my closing statement. They know me a bit better now and have a glimpse into my heart for children, the Children’s Miracle Network partnership and also my opinion on some major issues.

After interviews we were hurried off to dress rehearsal where, as usual, there was a lot of “hurry up and wait”. We got through our talents twice and the whole show once so it was a success.

I feel ready, and today we have some rehearsal, lunch with our directors and then off to the show for hair and makeup.

The show begins at 7:30 and you can count on the fact that I will be ready.

Look forward to seeing all of you at the ball afterwards.
Blessings, Alex

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